Web Safe Colors Chart

Are you looking for a web safe colors chart to create a safe color palette for your design project that works across all the computers and mobile devices?

Here’s a simplest to use web safe colors chart for you.


Note that the hexadecimal color code for each color is written in the respective color box so that you can use any color(s) instantly.

The underlined colors are the safes web colors. You can read more about web safe colors and safest web colors to find out more about them.

Also note that although any colors from this web safe colors chart should work fine across all browsers on all operating systems, including the mobile operating systems, its not necessary to use colors from this chart.

Its because modern computers and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are very powerful and can display millions of colors from virtually any color palette you decide to use. The concept of web safe colors and safest web colors is redundant now. You can read more about this on the link posted above.

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